
WARNING: Page Speed Is Killing Your Conversions—Don’t Overlook It!


Reading Time: 6 minutes Many people start an ecommerce business by creating a store on Shopify. They install the latest apps, upload their high-quality images, and don’t give it a second thought.When they start advertising, a lot of them wonder: “Why aren’t customers converting on my site? Why do they just leave? Are my products or prices the problem?…

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The 10 Optimizations to Make on Your Ecom Apparel Store


Reading Time: 7 minutes There are ten actions you can take right away to optimize your apparel store website. You’ll be presented with actions to be taken on multiple steps in the purchasing flow and why they’re important, best practices (and why they work), and the benefits you can get with implementation.  As you probably know, there are optimizations…

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Ecom Holidays Aren’t Just About the Fourth Quarter


Reading Time: 5 minutes When you think about holiday promotions for your ecommerce business, it’s natural to focus on the fourth quarter of the year. While Black Friday/Cyber Monday and the days leading up to Christmas do account for a large percentage of all online purchases, they aren’t the be-all and end-all when it comes to planning holiday promotions….

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Increase Your Holiday Ecom Sales in 2021


Reading Time: 5 minutes Excitement around Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s has long been one reason that businesses increase sales and profits during the holidays. People are buying fashionable clothes, shoes, and jewelry as well as gifts and many other things. The 2021 holiday season may turn out to be a relatively calm one, but it’s still an…

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Use Visual Hierarchy on Your Ecom Store to Direct Customer Focus


Reading Time: 5 minutes In the modern era, where online shopping is the preferred way to shop, every ecom owner in the market space is trying to use their knowledge and skills in every possible way to grab the attention of users across different devices.  That’s why it’s important to know how to grab the attention of visitors to…

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How Google Tag Manager Can Help You Achieve Your Ecom Goals


Reading Time: 4 minutes Google Tag Manager (GTM) allows you to add measurement and marketing tags to your ecommerce store without having to modify the site code. GTM is a great tool for gathering data from your site and sending it to Google Analytics (GA). You could have a direct installation that doesn’t include GTM, but you’d be missing…

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Ecommerce Product Photography on a Budget


Reading Time: 5 minutes An ecommerce product image is more than just the photo itself. It’s an emotional way for you to convey to customers what the product is about and how it can benefit them. It’s also a way to showcase your brand and what it stands for—and that’s why you need to know what you want the…

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Fine-Tuning Your Ecommerce Micro Conversions for Big Wins: Cart Page, Part 4 of 5


Reading Time: 5 minutes This is the fourth article in a five-part ecommerce optimization series on using micro-conversions to increase that one glorious metric all business owners and optimizers obsess over—conversion rate.  If you’re interested in learning all about the micro-conversions associated with each step of the funnel and how each micro-conversion helps increase the overall conversion rate of…

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Fix Ecom Cart-Abandonment Issues Before Retargeting Your Customers


Reading Time: 4 minutes Most visitors who end up on your ecommerce store are there because they’re attracted to the product or service you sell: your product offers them benefits like a solution to a problem, better ways to complete a daily activity, savings of time, and so on. But maybe they encounter a problem while shopping that creates…

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Simple and Effective Ways to Expand Your Ecom Offerings Using Other People’s Products


Reading Time: 7 minutes Entrepreneurs have a common question that never seems to go away. It comes up almost daily and torments us forever (or at least until the end of our days)! That question is: What’s next?  That raises more specific questions: What should I do now in my business, what new project should I start, and how…

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