Author: Mariana Dourado

Mariana Dourado

Mariana Dourado

I am a Revenue Optimization expert for Build Grow Scale. I love doing research and finding low-hanging fruit on website analysis, and I'm sure clarity and consistency are a perfect match. I'm also passionate about the ongoing process that is Revenue Optimization. As a typical Brazilian, I love sports and going to the beach. All of my work is supervised by Shakira, my cute sausage dog, who requires a snack and a walk after each day of work.
email marketing flows to boost conversions
Mariana Dourado

Optimizing Your Email Marketing Flows for Maximum Conversion

Reading Time: 4 minutes Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions. However, creating effective email marketing flows requires careful planning, execution, and optimization. In this article, we’ll explore the key strategies for optimizing your email marketing flows to maximize conversion rates and achieve your marketing goals. 1.

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frustrated customer
Mariana Dourado

74% of Consumers Are Likely to Switch Brands If They Find the Purchasing Process Too Difficult

Reading Time: 5 minutes In today’s ultra-competitive ecommerce landscape, creating a seamless and straightforward customer experience is paramount for success. A staggering 74% of consumers have admitted they are likely to switch brands if they encounter a purchasing process that is overly complex or difficult, according to a study by SalesForce. This statistic underscores the importance of simplifying the

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Brand Strategy vs. Marketing Strategy: How they Work Together
Mariana Dourado

Brand Strategy vs Marketing Strategy – What You Need to Know

Reading Time: 6 minutes You’re navigating the complex world of business strategy, but are you clear on the differences between brand strategy vs marketing strategy? It’s essential to understand these distinctions to drive your business forward effectively. In this article, you’ll uncover what sets these strategies apart, how to develop each effectively, and the benefits of merging them for

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Demand Generation
Mariana Dourado

What Is Demand Generation?

Reading Time: 4 minutes You’re always hunting for ways to boost your business, aren’t you? Well, demand generation might just be the game-changer you need. This guide explores demand generation’s what, why, and how, distinguishing it from lead generation and highlighting its benefits. Get ready to uncover strategies that could propel your business to new heights. So, are you

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implementing the Halo Effect in Marketing your ecommerce products to grow sales and build trust
Mariana Dourado

The Halo Effect in Marketing: How to Use It in Your Ecommerce Business

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Halo Effect in Marketing: How to Use It in Your Ecommerce Business You’ve heard of the ‘halo effect in marketing’, but do you really know what it means for your ecommerce business? It’s more than just a buzzword – it’s a powerful marketing tool that can drive sales and boost your brand. In this

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Ways of Using Social Media To Increase Website Traffic on an ecommerce store
Mariana Dourado

5 Ways Of Using Social Media To Increase Website Traffic

Reading Time: 6 minutes You’re doing everything right – you’ve built an impressive website, you’ve created quality content, and yet your traffic numbers aren’t quite hitting the mark. You might be overlooking a vital tool in your arsenal – social media. With billions of people using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter every day, it’s a goldmine of potential

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The Ecommerce Conversion Rate Formula
Mariana Dourado

Cracking The Code: The Ultimate Ecommerce Conversion Rate Formula

Reading Time: < 1 minute The ecommerce conversion rate formula is a key metric in marketing, sales, e-commerce, and web analytics that represents the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (often a sale).  Conversion Rate Formula: The formula to calculate the conversion rate is: Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Total Number of Visitors) * 100% Here’s

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What are marketing angles and what effective advertising angles can you use to boost your ecommerce store
Mariana Dourado

Marketing Angles To Transform Browsers Into Customers on Your Ecommerce Store

Reading Time: 6 minutes In the bustling realm of ecommerce, you’re always looking for that elusive edge to turn casual website visitors into devoted customers. You’ve got a great product, a sleek website, and competitive pricing, but something is missing. That missing piece could be a well-crafted marketing angles, the secret weapon that can transform your ecommerce store from

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an ecommerce store owner going through what is copywriting in marketing to get tips on how to improve his business communication strategy
Mariana Dourado

What Does Copywriting Mean in the World of Marketing?

Reading Time: 6 minutes You’re probably wondering why your business isn’t reaching its full potential. You’ve got a great product, a catchy logo, and a sleek website, but something’s missing. You’re lacking that hook, that special something that reels in customers and keeps them coming back for more. The answer? Exceptional copywriting. Yes, you read that right. Copywriting is

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analyzing an ecommerce store data using the information gathered from the google analytics for dummies guide
Mariana Dourado

Google Analytics For Dummies – Find Where to Start

Reading Time: 7 minutes So, you’ve got a website and you’re curious about who’s visiting, where they’re coming from, and what they’re doing there. You’ve heard of Google Analytics, but it seems a bit daunting and you’re not quite sure where to start. Well, you’re in the right place! This guide, ‘Google Analytics for Dummies,’ is designed specifically for

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