Author: Brad Owens

Brad Owens

Brad Owens

Brad Owens is a BGS Revenue Optimization expert, instructor, and coach with Ecommerce Business Blueprint (EBB) and EBB Elite. He started working in ecommerce back when Amazon had auctions (hint: that was a long time ago!) and has extensive experience with marketplaces, stores, and retail—even owning a comic shop for eight years. A graduate of the Atlanta Institute of Music, he can sometimes be spotted around Atlanta playing guitar in his hard-rock disco band.
ecommerce discounts, free shipping, BOGO deals
Brad Owens

10 eCommerce Discounts and How to Use Them to Boost Sales

Reading Time: 5 minutes Offering discounts has become a powerful strategy to attract customers and boost sales. Discount codes, in particular, have gained immense popularity among online shoppers. In this article, we will explore 10 effective ecommerce discounts and how to utilize them to increase your sales. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of using discount codes and why

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Ecommerce Website Optimization Above the Fold
Brad Owens

The Importance of “Above the Fold” in Ecommerce

Reading Time: 6 minutes Mastering above-the-fold strategies is crucial when looking to maximize the impact of your online store. You not only need to think about what’s immediately visible on-screen but also understand user experience and conversion rate optimization. Let’s look at how to use “above the fold” to your advantage on different devices and significantly boost your online

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the top Digital Marketing Statistics that all marketers should know about
Brad Owens

2023 in Numbers: Over 50 Must-Know Digital Marketing Stats for Your Strategy

Reading Time: 7 minutes Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses various strategies and channels. These digital marketing statistics highlight the importance and effectiveness of different digital marketing approaches. But what is digital marketing, and what are some digital marketing statistics that matter? What is digital marketing? Digital marketing refers to promoting products or services using digital

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Branding as a Marketing Strategy
Brad Owens

Elevating Your Marketing with the Unmatched Power of Branding

Reading Time: 4 minutes You’re in a competitive market, and you need an edge. That’s where branding comes in. You’ve heard the term, but do you really know its power? It’s not enough to simply sell a product, you’ve got to sell a brand. In this article, we’ll unveil how effectively using branding as a marketing strategy can skyrocket

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reading about how Google Analytics Works in order to use it to grow your online business
Brad Owens

How Google Analytics Works – A Simple Guide

Reading Time: 4 minutes You’ve got an online business, and you’re curious about your visitors. That’s where Google Analytics comes in. But then again, you are wondering, how Google Analytics work. This guide will break it down for you. You’ll learn about the metrics, how they’re collected, and why they’re essential for your ecommerce store. Let’s take the mystery

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Product Page SEO Best Practices to use when optimizing your ecommerce product page
Brad Owens

Product Page SEO Best Practices: 5 Must Have In 2023

Reading Time: 7 minutes You’ve got a great product, and you’re ready to share it with the world. But here’s the catch – just having a fantastic product isn’t enough. In the bustling marketplace of the internet, you need to make sure your product page is fully optimized for search engines. But what are the product page SEO best

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finding the best shopify customer service apps to boost your ecommerce business
Brad Owens

5 Optimal Shopify Customer Service Apps Of 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes Shopify has revolutionized the e-commerce world, but are you leveraging its full potential? If you’re not using Shopify customer service apps, you’re missing out on one of the key ingredients to boost your business. These apps can transform your customer service efforts, providing an enhanced shopping experience for your customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction

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good click-through rate
Brad Owens

What Is A Good Click-Through Rate In Ecommerce

Reading Time: 6 minutes You’ve got your ecommerce site up and running, but do you know if your customers are actually clicking on your ads? This is where understanding Click-Through Rate (CTR) comes into play. CTR is a vital metric that can help you gauge the effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns. If you’re not familiar with this term

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checking the website page speed for your ecommerce store
Brad Owens

What Is Page Speed and Why Does It Matter for Your Site or Ecommerce

Reading Time: 7 minutes You might not realize it, but the speed at which your website loads can have a major impact on the overall success of your online presence. Page speed, or the amount of time it takes for the content on your website to load completely, is not only crucial for providing an excellent user experience, but

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