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Branding Your Ecom Business: How to Create a Message That Evokes Passion and Loyalty


Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s been said that, “People don’t buy products—they buy brands.” It’s dramatic … but it’s not true in all cases. Sometimes you just need a kitchen towel, and you don’t care about the brand.  But new brands entering the fiercely competitive ecommerce space, heed this advice: Creating a clear brand message that resonates for people…

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Why Content Creation for Your Ecom Store Is Just As Valuable As What You Sell


Reading Time: 4 minutes There’s a reason people say, “Content is king.” Good content attracts and captures the attention of visitors to your ecom site, educates them, and—when they’ve gathered enough information about a product or service—influences their buying-decision process. Investing in the Creation of Good Content Why invest in content creation? It’s about adding value for customers. An…

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How Perceived Value Keeps Your Ecom Store Profit Margin Healthy!


Reading Time: 8 minutes Imagine this: you run a survey and find that most of your customers say that your products are too expensive, but they would have purchased if you had reduced the price or offered a discount. This is a common response when doing customer research.  There are two ways to address this problem: You can reduce…

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Ecom Navigation: How to Lead Them Home to Checkout, Not Off the Store


Reading Time: 5 minutes When a user visits your ecommerce store, they should be able to easily navigate from one page to another, regardless of the path of the shopping journey they are taking.  Navigating from the homepage to checkout should be a simple and easy-to-follow process. There shouldn’t be any hurdles to clear or constraints that limit users…

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How to Create Irresistibly Clickable Ecom Emails


Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’ve been in ecommerce for any length of time, you know that your customer list is one of the biggest assets of your business. In fact, we’ve found that communicating by sending daily, weekly, or monthly emails to your list can contribute as much as 30% of your business income. So why do ecommerce…

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Using Lucky Orange to Visually Analyze Your Ecom Store’s Data


Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s human nature to observe, analyze data, and draw conclusions. No doubt the ancient peoples of the world observed bird migration and anticipated a change of season just as we look at dark clouds and predict rain.  Ecommerce store owners are doing the same when collecting and analyzing data to learn more about the behavior…

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Fine-Tuning Your Ecommerce Micro Conversions for Big Wins: Product Pages, Part 3 of 5


Reading Time: 5 minutes This is the third article in a five-part ecommerce optimization series on using micro conversions to increase that one glorious metric all business owners and optimizers obsess over—conversion rate.  If you’re interested in learning all about the micro conversions associated with each step of the funnel and how each micro conversion helps increase the overall…

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5 Ways Shopify Can Help Your Ecommerce Business


Reading Time: 4 minutes Shopify has become the top industry leader in the ecommerce game. With over one million online stores using this platform, it’s easily the most well-known and well-used platform worldwide! Given the climate of the world over the past year, with a pandemic looming in everyone’s life, more business transferred to online stores than in any…

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The Magic Number That Eliminates Choice Paralysis on Your Ecom Store


Reading Time: 4 minutes Ecommerce store owners populate their stores with a variety of products and product options with the goal of capturing a large market share and catering to the increased demand for online shopping. But providing too many options for a particular type of product is not the best way to make sales. Actually, too many options…

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What Is and Why You Need Risk Reversals on Your Ecom Store Right Now


Reading Time: 6 minutes People decide if they do or don’t want to buy from your ecommerce store based on the answers to two questions:  The first question concerns your product or service and how you choose to sell it. That topic is (and no doubt will be) the subject of many other articles, probably because ecommerce business owners…

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