Which Kinds of Hits Does Google Analytics Track in 2023? and Powerful Insights About Them

James Backenstose Sep 03, 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Looking to understand Google Analytics‘ tracking capabilities in 2023? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll answer the question on which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track. You’ll learn how each hit type works, and how you can use this knowledge to optimize your website.

Let’s dive in and give you the upper hand in your digital marketing efforts.

What Are Hits on Google Analytics

Let’s dive into what ‘hits’ on Google Analytics actually are and which types they’re tracking as of 2023. You may think of a ‘hit’ as a single page view, but it’s more complex than that. In fact, it’s any interaction that sends data to Google Analytics.

Still confused? Don’t worry. Let’s break it down. You’ve got user-level hits, which include tracking specific user actions, like logging in. Then there are session-level hits, monitoring when someone visits your site and how long they stay. Pageview hits are what you might’ve initially thought – they track each time someone views a page on your site.

But there’s more! Event hits track specific actions, like clicking a button or playing a video. Social interactions, like shares and likes, also count as hits. E-commerce hits record transactions and item data. Finally, you’ve got exception hits, which keep an eye on errors and crashes.

Google analytics metrics to track to improve your business

Which Kinds of Hits Does Google Analytics Track?

You’re about to dive into the various kinds of hits that Google Analytics can track. These include ecommerce and pageview tracking hits, as well as event, screenview, and exception tracking hits. What’s the significance of each type, you may wonder? By understanding these key points, you’ll gain a comprehensive view of user interaction. This understanding can significantly improve your strategy and decision-making process.

Ecommerce tracking hits

Ecommerce tracking hits are crucial as they provide insights on product performance, transactions, and revenue. They’re the key to understanding your online store’s profitability and customer behavior. Google Analytics tracks these hits and transforms them into valuable data for your analysis.

Imagine you’re launching a new product. By analyzing ecommerce tracking hits, you’re able to see how well it’s selling, what’s driving its sales, and how much revenue it generates. It’s not just about tracking sales, though. You can also monitor customer behavior, like how many times they’ve visited before making a purchase, and which products they’re viewing the most.

With this information, you can tweak your marketing strategy, optimize product placement, and drive more revenue. Remember, knowledge is power, and ecommerce tracking hits give you that power.

Pageview tracking hits

In the realm of pageview tracking hits, it’s essential to understand that they’re used to determine the popularity and effectiveness of specific pages on your website. Every time a user visits a page on your site, a hit is recorded.

It’s not just about the number; it’s about what those numbers tell you. You can track the user’s journey, see which pages they’re spending most of their time on, and which ones they’re bouncing off. This data gives you insight into what’s working and what’s not.

It’s a tool that helps you optimize your website’s performance, increase user engagement, and ultimately, drive more conversions. So, you’re not just counting clicks; you’re making each click count.

Event tracking hits

Just like pageview hits, event tracking hits give you a deeper understanding of how users interact with your website’s content. These hits track user interactions such as clicks on a button, form submissions, or video plays.

When you understand what users are doing on your site, you can tailor your content to their behavior, increasing their engagement and improving your conversion rates.

Event tracking hits allow you to measure the effectiveness of your site features. For instance, if you’ve got a video tutorial on your site, you can track how many users play the video and how long they watch. This info helps you know if your content is engaging or if it needs improvement.

Screenview tracking hits

You’ll find screenview tracking hits particularly useful if you’ve got an app, as they’ll let you know exactly what screens your users are visiting. This valuable insight can help you identify popular content and understand user flow within your application. It’s like having a map of your user’s journey, pinpointing their stops and pauses.

Google Analytics collects this data by sending a hit each time a user opens a screen or changes screens in your app. You can see what’s working, what’s not, and adjust your app to optimize user experience. Plus, you can compare screenview hits over time, spotting trends or issues before they become significant problems.

Exception tracking hits

Exception tracking hits are another powerful tool. They’re designed to report errors or crashes that occur within your app. This feature arms you with the capability to identify, monitor, and fix issues promptly, ensuring you maintain a seamless user experience.

Imagine, you’re launching a new feature and suddenly your users start experiencing glitches. Exception tracking hits come into play here. They help you identify what’s causing the trouble and where it’s happening. You could be losing potential customers without even realizing it.

Besides, it’s not just about identifying errors. You can customize these hits to track specific exceptions that matter to your app. So, don’t underestimate exception tracking hits. They’re your silent warriors, constantly working behind the scenes, keeping your app’s health in check.

Social interaction hits

Switching gears, let’s delve into social interaction hits. They’re crucial for understanding your users’ engagement on various social media platforms. Google Analytics tracks these hits whenever your users share, like, or comment on your posts. You’ll know what’s resonating with your audience and what’s not.

These hits are your guide in modifying your content strategy, giving you a clear picture of what drives user engagement.

You can get specific data, such as which social media platform garners the most interactions. It’s not just about quantity, but quality as well. You’ll see which posts prompt a conversation or incite a reaction.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, you’ve seen how Google Analytics tracks multiple types of hits in 2023.

From pageviews, events, to ecommerce transactions, each one offers unique insights into your website’s performance.

Remember, understanding these hits can help you make data-driven decisions and optimize your online strategy.

So, dive in and let Google Analytics guide your digital journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Google Analytics can track hits from social media platforms. It’ll show you which platforms are directing traffic to your site, helping you understand where your audience is coming from.

To ensure accurate tracking of all your hits in Google Analytics, you’ll need to correctly set up your tracking code, monitor your data regularly, and use UTM parameters for specific campaign tracking.

Yes, you can track hits from specific geographical locations using Google Analytics. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to see where your web traffic is coming from, be it city, state, or country.


About the author

James Backenstose

Introducing the one-of-a-kind, James, more familiarly hailed as the world's unique JimmyApp! Since his embarkation on the journey with Build Grow Scale (BGS) back in November 2017, he's proven to be the company's stalwart, seasoned Revenue Optimization expert—the one with the longest standing tenure. He skillfully helms BGS's largest revenue-generating store, with a dynamic blend of professionalism, acumen, and innovation. • No problem is too complex for James. Whether it's a trivial hiccup or a formidable conundrum, he's your go-to solution virtuoso. His uncanny ability to troubleshoot issues is something to behold, solving them personally 90% of the time. And in those rare instances when the solution eludes his reach, rest assured, he's got a Rolodex of contacts who can step in and get the job done. • But don't let his professionalism deceive you. Behind the knowledgeable facade, there's a jester who never misses an opportunity to infuse the workday with playful antics and quick-witted humor. He has an inherent talent to keep the team motivated while having a laugh, an integral part of his personality that has become a cherished staple at BGS. Alongside this, his day-to-day supportiveness is invaluable, always lending a hand or offering a word of encouragement when needed. • In summary, James, our in-house JimmyApp, is a harmonious blend of wit, fun, professionalism, and remarkable problem-solving prowess. His undeniable presence is felt each day at BGS, making the business world a little less serious and a lot more successful!

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