Optimized Ecommerce EP 052 – How Does Qualitative Research Drive Conversions?

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Business Tech Ninjas Apr 21, 2021

Welcome to Episode 052 of Optimized Ecommerce – How Does Qualitative Research Drive Conversions? I’m your host, Tanner Larsson, CEO of BGS.

BGS means Build Grow Scale! It is a community that we founded where eCommerce entrepreneurs and physical product sellers come to learn how to take their businesses to the next level.

Haley Morgan returns on the show for the third time around! She is one of our Revenue Optimization Experts and has been with BGS for a long time now.

But first, a little back story. Before Haley started working with BGS, she built a seven-figure store within a four month period and did really well with that. She was also the youngest person who ever joined our Black Label Mastermind. After that, she found out that she liked the optimization side of the business more than running the store. So, she wound up working with us which we are super grateful for.

Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:

Haley discussed what Qualitative Research means.

There are two forms of research methods that are utilized. One is Qualitative Research, this research method tells you why or how something is happening. Whereas Quantitative Research tells you how much of something is happening.

An example is, how much of the CTAs (Call to Actions) are being clicked or filled in the blank at any event. This gives an inside look at the reason it’s happening. So if the CTA is being clicked 1000 times, what is that reason? Why is that happening?

Then, Haley takes us through some of the Qualitative Research methods that she often uses.

There are many forms of Qualitative Research. But the ones that Haley often utilizes are on-site polls, post-purchase surveys, and user testing.

There are many programs that can help with those three forms. Some of them are, TryMyUI, usertesting.com, and user testers.io. For on-site polls, you can use Lucky Orange, which has session recordings, heat maps, scrolled up maps, and other great features. Then for post-purchase survey emails, you can use Klaviyo or Wufoo. Google Forms can also be used to create the actual survey, that can be linked to your email service provider.

We also discussed a few other fun topics, including:

  • An overview of user testing, on-site polls, and post-purchase surveys.
  • Things you need to do when the research method doesn’t get any responses.
  • Haley’s biggest wins in performing Qualitative Research.
  • The duration and frequency of performing the Qualitative Research Method.

But you’ll have to watch or listen to the episode to hear about those!

How To Stay Connected Haley Morgan

Want to stay connected with Haley? Please check out their social profiles below.


Also, Haley mentioned the following items on the show. You can find that on: