Optimized Ecommerce EP 033 – How to Discover the Reasons Why Visitors Don’t Buy from You

Welcome to Episode 033 of Optimized Ecommerce – How to Discover the Reasons Why Visitors Don’t Buy from You. I’m your host, Tanner Larsson, CEO of BGS.
BGS means Build Grow Scale! It is a community that we founded where eCommerce entrepreneurs and physical product sellers come to learn how to take their businesses to the next level.
Joining us for the second time around is Haley Spindler one of the leading Revenue Optimization Experts at Build Grow Scale. She also pioneered the BGS internship program that trains interns in Revenue Optimization.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
We talked about why stores need to survey their customers and audience.
When it comes to serving customers and audiences, store owners can get valuable feedback and quantitative data that helps grow their business.
Gathering quantitative data helps store owners focus on what they need to improve in order to make the shopper’s experience smooth sailing, rather than being the reason why they don’t purchase from your store.
Then, we talked about the different types of Ecom store surveys.
The two abundantly used surveys are the post-purchase email and the onsite or survey polls. These usually show up on the website and can be valuable but a little tricky for people to respond to because they are shopping and don’t want to answer the survey right away. This is the reason why a post-purchase survey can be the best option.
And then, Haley shared why stores need to be careful about how to run their surveys.
When stores run pre and post-purchase surveys, they can be getting feedback from unqualified people. People who aren’t necessarily their buyers and may have just shown up because they accidentally liked the Facebook page or accidentally Googled something they didn’t really mean to. They might not necessarily be the store’s true audience.
Customers who have made a purchase and have been through the store’s whole structure are the ones that are qualified to fill out the survey.
We also discussed a few other fun topics, including:
- Why is it important not to interrupt the buyer’s journey?
- The reason why post-purchase surveys are better than pre-purchase surveys.
- How to figure out what questions to ask your customers or audiences.
- Benefits of solving future customer issues.
- Best way to categorize all the collected data from the surveys.
- Once the data is categorized, how can they use the data to improve their store?
- The difference between clarity to the store owner and clarity to the users.
- Frequency and duration of survey polls.
All that and more…but you’ll have to watch or listen to the episode to hear about those fun topics!
How To Stay Connected With Haley Spindler
Want to stay connected with Haley? Please check out her social profiles below.
- Website: BuildGrowScale.com/author/haley
- Facebook Profile: Facebook.com/haley.m.spindler
Also, Haley mentioned the following item on the show. You can find that on:
- Wheelio – a gamified pop-up that helps Ecom stores with their active promotions to increase leads and conversions.