7 Copywriting Best Practices for Exceptional Results: From Good to Great

Dominik Meiu Jul 10, 2023

Reading Time: 7 minutes

You’re crafting an article, a blog post, or a sales pitch, but something’s missing. Your words are good, but are they great? Are they compelling enough to grab your reader’s attention, hold it, and drive them to action? If you’re unsure, you’re not alone. Copywriting is an art and a science, and mastering it can be a game changer. It’s the difference between being skimmed over and being read, between being forgotten and being remembered.

In this article, you’ll discover seven copywriting best practices that can transform your content from good to great. We’re going to delve into knowing and understanding your audience, crafting irresistible headlines, using brevity and clarity to your advantage, and the crucial role of SEO.

We’ll also discuss the importance of incorporating hard facts and figures, how to craft a powerful call to action, and the influence of social proof. Whether you’re a seasoned copywriter or just starting out, these insights, backed by research and proven techniques, will provide you with the tools to create copy that not only grabs attention but compels action.

Are you ready to transform your copywriting? Let’s dive in.

the best copywriting techniques to use to improve your ecommerce store

Understanding Your Audience

In the quest for exceptional copywriting results, you’ve got to really get to know your audience. Understanding who they are, what they want, and how they think is crucial for shaping your message.

This is where copywriting best practices come into play, which are essentially a set of guidelines to help you craft compelling, persuasive writing. By identifying your audience’s needs and pain points, you can tailor your copywriting techniques to address them directly, making your content more relevant and engaging.

Knowing your audience is not just about demographics. It’s about diving deep into their psychographics – their attitudes, interests, lifestyle, and behavior. Once you grasp these elements, you can create a persuasive narrative that speaks directly to them, evokes emotion, and prompts action.

This is a fundamental part of copywriting best practices. Remember, effective copywriting is not about selling a product or service; it’s about offering a solution to a problem. And to offer a solution, you must first understand the problem and the people facing it.

Effective Headlines and Subheadings

Crafting compelling headlines and subheadings can truly be your secret weapon, turning your content from just another piece on the web into a must-read masterpiece.

Your headline is the first interaction your audience has with your content, and in many cases, it’s the deciding factor in whether someone clicks through or moves on. By using powerful, action-driven words and phrases, you can captivate your audience’s interest from the get-go.

Similarly, effective subheadings break up your content, making it easier to read while also providing an overview of what’s to come. They act like mini-headlines, piquing curiosity and encouraging further reading.

It’s not just about being catchy though; your headlines and subheadings also need to provide value and be relevant to the content that follows. A research by HubSpot revealed that headlines between 12 to 14 words in length had the highest click-through rate in organic search.

Make sure your headlines are precise, and use keywords effectively for SEO purposes. For subheadings, they should logically break down the information in the article, making it digestible and easy to skim.

Always remember, your ultimate goal is not just to attract clicks but to deliver on what your headline promises, leading to satisfied readers and exceptional results.

Conciseness and Clarity

You’ll find that clear, concise language isn’t just easier on your reader’s eyes—it’s a refreshing change, cutting through the noise and getting straight to the heart of the matter.

The art of being concise involves stripping your message down to its bare bones, eliminating any unnecessary words or phrases. It’s about saying what you need to say as simply and effectively as possible. This doesn’t mean you should avoid complicated or technical terms—just that you should use them sparingly and only when necessary.

By doing this, you’re not only making your content more digestible but also more impactful.

Clarity, on the other hand, is about making sure your message is understood. Avoid jargons or industry-specific terms that your readers may not be familiar with. Instead, use plain language that your audience can easily comprehend.

Be direct and specific in your statements. Remember, your readers don’t have time to decipher ambiguous or complex sentences.

By being clear and concise in your copy, you can ensure that your message is conveyed effectively and efficiently. Ultimately, this can lead to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

SEO Optimization

Boosting your website’s visibility starts with mastering the art of SEO optimization, don’t you agree?

Understanding and implementing SEO best practices can take your copywriting from good to great, significantly enhancing your site’s reach. SEO isn’t just about using the right keywords; it’s about creating quality content that your target audience finds useful, engaging, and shareable.

It’s important to incorporate relevant long-tail keywords without overstuffing, as search engines favor well-written content that provides value to its readers.

In addition to using keywords effectively, consider the structure and format of your content. Search engines love content that’s easy to read and navigate. So, use bullet points, headings, and short paragraphs to break up your content.

Also, don’t forget about meta descriptions and title tags – they’re your first opportunity to attract the attention of search engines and readers alike. Lastly, remember to optimize your images with alt text and to include internal and external links in your content.

These are all crucial elements of SEO that can significantly boost your visibility and, ultimately, your results.

Incorporating Facts and Figures

Isn’t it astounding how facts and figures can truly breathe life into your content, making your audience sit up and take notice?

Indeed, incorporating relevant data and statistics not only adds credibility and authenticity to your copy but also makes it more compelling and persuasive. It gives your readers a tangible point of reference, something to latch onto and remember long after they’ve finished reading.

The magic lies in finding the right balance – you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too many numbers, but a well-placed statistic can be incredibly powerful.

So how can you effectively use facts and figures in your copy? The key is relevance and context. Ensure the data you’re using directly supports your main points and adds value to your message. Don’t just throw in random facts – make sure they’re directly related to what you’re talking about and help reinforce your arguments.

Also, remember to source your data from reputable sources and attribute it correctly. This not only lends credibility to your content but also shows that you value accuracy and integrity.

Incorporating facts and figures is one of the hallmarks of great copywriting – it’s a surefire way to take your content from good to exceptional.

Call to Action Usage

Having considered the potency of incorporating facts and figures in your copy, let’s shift our attention to another crucial element – your call to action (CTA).

Your CTA is the pivotal point of your copy. It’s where you urge your reader to take a specific action, whether that’s purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, or sharing your content. Without a clear and compelling CTA, even the most well-written copy can fail to achieve its purpose.

Crafting your CTA requires careful thought and strategic placement. It’s not just about telling your audience what to do next—it’s about making them enthusiastic about doing it. Use persuasive language and action words to create a sense of urgency. Make it clear what benefits they’ll receive by following through.

For instance, instead of using a generic ‘click here’, you could say ‘Claim your free e-book now’.

Remember, your CTA is your final chance to convince your audience, so make sure it’s powerful, persuasive, and direct. Be sure to test different CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments based on the results.

Leveraging Social Influence

You’re probably already aware that people are influenced by the opinions and actions of others, but did you know you can use this social influence to your advantage in your writing?

This concept, known as social proof, is a powerful psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior. By incorporating social proof into your copy, such as testimonials or case studies, you can build trust and credibility with your audience.

It’s not just about telling your readers that your product or service is great; it’s about showing them real-world examples of happy customers who’ve benefited from what you’re offering. In your copy, be sure to highlight the number of satisfied customers, positive reviews, high ratings, or any accolades your product or service has received.

You can also leverage the power of influencers and experts in your field. If a well-known figure endorses your product or contributes a positive quote, be sure to include that in your copy.

Remember, the goal is to make your audience feel like they’re not alone in their decision to use your product or service. By leveraging social influence, you’re not only giving them reassurance but also building a strong connection that can lead to exceptional results.

Copywriting Best Practices: Final Thoughts

You’ve now got the tools to transform your copywriting from good to great with the copywriting best practices.

Remember, understanding your audience, crafting compelling headlines, and being concise and clear are key. Use SEO, facts and figures, persuasive CTAs, and social influence to your advantage.

Don’t forget, it’s a constant learning process. Keep refining and experimenting to find what works best. Harness the power of AI and analytics to keep improving. Your copywriting can only get better from here!


Frequently Asked Questions

Incorporate storytelling in your copywriting by crafting a compelling narrative around your product or service. This engages readers emotionally, making your brand memorable. Use relatable characters and situations for a truly impactful story.

To maintain a consistent tone and style in your copy, you need to define your brand voice first. Use it uniformly across all content. Practice keeping your tone steady, even when discussing varied topics. Review and revise for consistency.

Proper grammar and punctuation are crucial in copywriting. They ensure your message is clear, persuasive, and credible. Missteps can confuse readers or damage your reputation. Always proofread for flawless, effective communication.

Facing writer’s block? Start by stepping away to refresh your mind. Explore different creative outlets. Try freewriting without judgment. Research your topic more. Remember, even the best writers face blocks. You’re not alone. Keep going!

Incorporating humor in copy can be tricky. Make sure your wit complements, not overshadows, your message. Understand your audience’s humor. Use it sparingly and appropriately. Always maintain the essence of your message intact.


About the author

Dominik Meiu

Dominik is a Revenue Optimization expert for Build Grow Scale. He loves the bright environment the team provides and the fact that he can have fun at work. The source of his incredible powers and critical game-changing ideas lay in his beautiful, luxurious, and youthful head of hair.

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