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3 Crucial Retargeting Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore


Reading Time: 3 minutes Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is one of the most potent tools in the marketer’s toolkit. Retargeting involves placing a tiny bit of code known as a pixel on your site. When you get a new visitor, the pixel puts a cookie in their browser. Then you can display ads to those visitors, even when…

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What it really looks like when an Ecommerce Business Rapidly SCALES…


Reading Time: 6 minutes Video Highlights What’s up guys? Tanner Larsson here from Build Grow Scale. It’s a gorgeous Monday. I just dropped my daughter off at school. It’s already 78 degrees at 9am so it’s going to be a nice hot day today. Just heading into the office and I actually wanted to talk about something that I’m…

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How To Drive Sales By Instilling Loyalty


Reading Time: 4 minutes What do Apple, AT&T, Ford, Hyundai, Domino’s, Google, Konica Minolta, Discover, Dunkin’ Donuts and the NFL have in common? If you answered, ‘They have loyal customers,’ give yourself a pat on the back. According to Forbes, these companies top the list in 2015. Apple, in particular, seems able to convince people they need ever more…

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How to Leverage Social Proof to Skyrocket Your Conversion Rate


Reading Time: 16 minutes The Psychology of Social Proof Before we get to the good stuff, let’s take a step back for an overhead view of human behavior. Our earliest ancestors depended on one another for survival. A single hunter doesn’t present much of a threat on the Savannah. Compared to the other predators out there, we’re weak. Yet…

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If you’re struggling with using FB ads to grow your Shopify store, this video will make you happy…


Reading Time: 5 minutes Video Highlights What’s up, guys? Tanner Larsson here from Build Grow Scale. Finally got the camera working again so time for a few more car videos. Today, I just want to talk to you a little about Facebook ads and using them to drive traffic to your store. Everybody gets too worked up about the…

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How We Used HotJar To Turn A Shopify Store Into A $4k Per Day Recurring Revenue Stream


Reading Time: 4 minutes Video Highlights What’s up, guys? Tanner Larson, here, from Build Grow Scale. I want to follow-up today with something I talked about yesterday. I actually made a post about it on Facebook. We have one of our brands. We’ve got several different eCommerce brands that we own and fulfill out of our office and warehouse…

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Epic Engagement Unleashed: 10 Social Media Strategies That Reign Supreme


Reading Time: 4 minutes When it comes to generating social media engagements, many companies get it wrong. Businesses new to social media tend to view it as a zero-sum game. But nothing could be further from the truth. Building engagement is all about leveraging the social media environment. In this post, we’re sharing 10 killer tips that will help…

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7 Old-School Ecommerce Failures That Are DESTROYING Your Business


Reading Time: 6 minutes Twenty years ago, ecommerce was in its infancy. Customers were scarce, but competition was even scarcer—if you knew what you were doing, or were even moderately good at figuring it out as you went along, you could have raked in a steady living selling a few niche products online.

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Set It Up Once. Get Ecommerce Growth For Years.


Reading Time: 6 minutes You know what sucks? Wasting tons of time, energy, and money on marketing that doesn’t work. You know what rocks? Marketing that works for you, even when you’re not working. Marketing that pulls in clients while you’re at the beach, while you’re asleep, while you’re busy taking wheelbarrows of cash to the bank… …if you’re…

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How I Learned to Stop Getting Mad and Start Getting the Profits I Deserve


Reading Time: 5 minutes eCommerce can be a frustrating game. I know, from personal experience. Yes, it’s true. I wasn’t always the eCommerce wizard I am today. I, too, have experienced the hardships of inconsistent traffic, unreliable revenue, and underwhelming marketing returns. Fortunately for you, I’ve figured out how to solve these problems and more, and I’m ready to…

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