10 Effective Psychology-Based Copywriting Tactics to 2-3X Your Ecom Sales

Irene Wanja Nov 08, 2022

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you’re an ecommerce store owner, it’s vital to understand that it’s not enough to just have a quality product. You need to “sell” that product to your audience. Make them understand why it’s so great, and why they should buy it (from you). But with the fiercely competitive ecom landscape, if you want to succeed, you’ll need to find ways to stand out from the crowd and make your products irresistible to potential customers. One way to do this is through psychology based copywriting—the art of using words to persuade and influence. There’s a science to it, too, though. You can’t just throw words at the wall, hoping they’ll stick. There’s a psychology behind why people buy things. And once you know what motivates people to take action, you can use that knowledge to write copy that gets results!

using psychology based copywriting tips and re-organizing elements on an ecommerce store to improve user experience.

If you want to learn more, you’re in the right place. Today we’re going to talk about 10 effective psychology based copywriting tactics you can use to boost conversions. By tapping into the power of psychology based copywriting, you can write copy that is truly persuasive and will help you close more sales. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Employ scarcity

When it comes to marketing, creating a sense of urgency can be a powerful tool. By using phrases like “limited time only” or “while supplies last,” you can encourage people to take action before they miss out. You can also highlight how many items are left in stock so people don’t wait too long to make a purchase. In general, people are more likely to act when they feel like they might miss out on something, so creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to boost sales and drive conversions.

2. Create social proof

People are more likely to buy a product if they see that others have bought it before them. This is because we tend to follow the lead of others when we’re unsure about what to do. So, if you can include social proof in your copy, you’ll be more likely to persuade people to buy from you. 

One way to do this is by including customer testimonials on your product pages. If you have happy customers who are willing to sing your praises, make sure to showcase their testimonials prominently on your site. You can also include social media reviews and mentions in your copy. For example, if you’ve been featured on a popular blog or Instagram account, make sure to mention it! 

Seeing that other people have had success with your product will make prospects more likely to take the plunge and buy it themselves.

3. Use images and videos

There’s a saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth even more.” And when it comes to ecommerce, that couldn’t be more true. The right image or video can convey a lot of information very quickly, and also help create an emotional connection with your audience. 

When selecting these for your product pages, take some time to think about what message you want the image to communicate. Do you want it to show the product in use? Highlight the features of the product? Or perhaps create an emotional connection with the viewer? Once you know what message you want to communicate, select something that does so effectively. 

People are more likely to engage with and remember content that includes images and videos. If you can find a way to incorporate visuals into your product pages, do it! It will pay off in sales.

4. Simplify the Buying Process

To transform potential customers into actual buyers, it’s crucial to minimize the barriers to purchase. One such barrier can be a complex, convoluted buying process. It’s essential to ensure that the customer journey from product selection to checkout is as smooth and straightforward as possible. This means having clear, visible “buy now” or “add to cart” buttons on your product pages, and reducing the number of steps it takes to finalize a purchase. A simple, intuitive user interface can significantly decrease cart abandonment rates. Moreover, consider incorporating options like guest checkout, multiple payment methods, and saved customer details for returning shoppers. These can enhance the customer experience and encourage repeat purchases.

5. Leverage the Power of Free Shipping

In today’s digital shopping landscape, free shipping is not merely a perk; it’s an expectation. Numerous studies show that free shipping can be a decisive factor in a customer’s decision to make a purchase. In fact, many customers are willing to wait a little longer for their products if they aren’t paying for delivery. Therefore, if it’s financially feasible for your business, offering free shipping can lead to a noticeable uptick in sales. If providing free shipping on all orders is not viable, consider setting a minimum order value to qualify for free shipping. This can also increase your average order value by encouraging customers to add more items to their cart.

6. Motivate Customers with Discounts and Coupons

Discounts and coupons act as a powerful incentive for customers to choose your store over your competitors. These offers can come in various forms – percentage discounts, buy one get one free, or dollar amount discounts. Seasonal or themed sales are also effective ways to draw in customers. Additionally, loyalty programs that offer exclusive discounts can encourage repeat purchases and strengthen customer relationships. Remember, it’s not always about slashing prices; sometimes, it’s about providing extra value that makes the cost seem more justified.

7. Design Compelling Headlines

Headlines play a crucial role in attracting and retaining the attention of prospective customers. They are often the first thing a customer sees when they land on your product page, and a well-crafted headline can pique their interest and entice them to continue exploring. Effective headlines often include emotional triggers, power words, or surprising facts. They succinctly communicate the unique selling proposition of your product and give visitors a reason to stay. Always ensure your headlines are clear, engaging, and accurately reflect the product or offer at hand.  

8. Write Benefit-Focused Copy

Customers are typically less interested in product features and more invested in how those features can enhance their lives. Therefore, instead of merely listing the features of your product, explain how those features translate into tangible benefits for the customer. For example, if you’re selling shoes, don’t just mention the leather upper and rubber sole. Explain how these features translate into long-lasting durability, superior comfort, and a stylish appearance. This way, you’re not just selling a product, but a solution to a problem or a way to fulfill a desire.

9. Use persuasive language 

The language you use in your copy can have a significant impact on how your product is perceived. Powerful, persuasive words can help create a sense of urgency, exclusivity, or need. Words like “must-have”, “can’t live without”, and “guaranteed” can convince customers of the value and necessity of your product. Furthermore, use sensory words that allow customers to visualize and almost experience the benefits of your product. This can make your product more appealing and irresistible.

10. Keep it short and sweet

In a world of short attention spans and information overload, less is often more. Keep your product descriptions concise. Get straight to the point and focus on making a case for why they need your product. 

Bonus tip

Test everything! Successful ecom business owners understand the importance of testing different methods to see what works best. Try different headlines, images, videos, offers, etc., and track your conversion rate for each. This will help you to understand what is most effective so you can continue refining your strategy over time. Keep in mind that what works for one business may not work for another, so it’s important to find what works best for you. With a little trial and error, you can find the perfect combination of tactics to drive conversions and grow your business.  

Wrap-Up: Psychology based copywriting

If you want to increase sales on your ecommerce site, start by taking a closer look at your copywriting strategy to establish the ideal psychology based copywriting tactics to use. By understanding the psychology behind why people buy things, you can write copy that speaks directly to their needs and motivates them to take action. Implement some (or all!) of these 10 psychology-based copywriting tactics today and watch your sales numbers soar!


Gesenhues, A. (2016) Retail study: 9 out of 10 consumers say free shipping No. 1 incentive to shop online more. Martech.


About the author

Irene Wanja

Irene, a skilled Revenue Optimization Specialist for Build Grow Scale, combines an unparalleled focus on user research and a deep understanding of the ecommerce customer journey to orchestrate optimal shopping experiences. With an uncanny knack for detecting and addressing customer pain points through meticulous user testing, she utilizes tools such as moderated user tests, heatmaps, scrollmaps, and clickmaps to fast-track improvements in user experience and usability. Her keen eye for detail aids in swiftly spotting potential issues and implementing solutions, all while working closely with store owners and applying her intricate comprehension of user interactions. Passionate about software and technology, Irene immerses herself in enhancing her clients' business clarity, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Even though the value of user experience doesn't conform to a conventional numerical scale, the tangible outcomes of her work—improved user experience, amplified retention rates, and reduced customer support issues—are testaments to her prowess. Beyond her revenue optimization skills, Irene is a skilled writer and copywriter. She weaves her profound insights into engaging prose, crafting content that not only resonates with diverse audiences but also demystifies the complexities of user experience, consequently benefitting businesses worldwide.

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