Optimized Ecommerce EP 079 – Online Shop 2.0: Shopify’s Biggest Investment in their Platform

Welcome to Episode 079 of Optimized Ecommerce – Online Shop 2.0: Shopify’s Biggest Investment in their Platform. I’m your host, Tanner Larsson, CEO of BGS.
BGS means Build Grow Scale! It is a community that we founded where eCommerce entrepreneurs and physical product sellers come to learn how to take their businesses to the next level.
Igor Silva is BGS Tech Expert, he handles Tech Tuesday calls for Ecom Insider members, which is free tech help for members with Shopify stores. Igor has also built a lot of stores for BGS members and rebuilt his business with his developers and his team, which are all trained by BGS through BGS methodology.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
What is Shopify’s OS 2.0 update?
Online Store 2.0 is what this Shopify update stands for. The update is considered to be one of the most significant updates because it opens more opportunities for developers and store owners.
What Shopify did was they went ahead and rebuilt everything from scratch. So the whole experience is fresh, which gives developers a lot of flexibility to customize the update forefront with different tools that Shopify will also be releasing.
Once Shopify released the update, store owners don’t have to do anything about it, all of the features are already applied to their account. This means users don’t need to do anything to get the core foundation of what OS 2.0 update is all about because it will be embedded in the insurer’s account. All the themes that come under the old system are already compatible with OS 2.0.
What is deprecate and why would Shopify conduct that process in the near future?
Deprecate is when a technology becomes obsolete. With the insertion of the new technology, at some point, Shopify will have to throw it away, and users have to use what’s new. This process shouldn’t be something to worry about because OS 2.0 is very new. And Shopify will definitely give their users a leeway to develop new themes, new apps, and to revamp their stores.
Major topic/theme 3 title
Brief fun description (50-100 words)
We also discussed a few other fun topics, including:
- The pros and cons of OS 2.0.
- Modular drag and drop ability features of OS 2.0.
- New updates to OS 2.0 content management system
But you’ll have to watch or listen to the episode to hear about those!
How To Stay Connected With Igor Silva
Want to stay connected with Igor? Please check out their social profiles below.
- Facebook Profile: Facebook.com/igorsilva84
Also, Igor mentioned the following items on the show. You can find that on: