Optimized Ecommerce EP 029 – How to Gear Up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Welcome to Episode 029 of Optimized Ecommerce – How to Gear Up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I am your host, Tanner Larsson, CEO of BGS.
BGS means Build Grow Scale! It is a community that we founded where eCommerce entrepreneurs and physical product sellers come to learn how to take their businesses to the next level.
This week, Bret Thomson returns. He is one of the most in-demand copywriters & conversion strategists, an author, a coach, speaker, and mentor to thousands of people across the world. Bret consistently helps businesses scale-up by creating successful marketing campaigns.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
Brief fun description (50-100 words)
The exciting part of the year for Ecommerce stores — Black Friday and Cyber Monday
When everything gets back to normal, Ecommerce sales will never go back to the low 7% that they were. Because online stores are now established and more people are getting more comfortable purchasing online.
It shows that over 20% of the world are now comfortable shopping online. Which sets the stage for the biggest Black Friday and Cyber Monday to date!
Remember, the vast majority of Black Friday sales come from repeat purchases or a warm audience.
This year will be extra special because big retail giants, such as Walmart, have publicly announced that they are not going to have in-store Black Friday promos.
Due to the pandemic, most people have to go online to do their purchases, making it an advantage for Ecommerce stores. Yet they have to do a lot of prep work to make their Black Friday profitable.
Bret shared the statistics regarding online shoppers
U.S shoppers spent an estimated 2.8 billion in 2009, there was an increase of 17% from 2018 which is a pike of 7 to 8%.
Cyber Monday broke a new record last year, which was 9.42 billion. Reports show that this year might be the first Trillion dollar!
Bret said that now is the time for online stores to be prepared. They have to make sure their stores start converting and have a good frequency of emails.
He also mentioned that online retailers should take note that 58% of shoppers wait until Cyber Monday. This means that everyone is getting smarter now and knows that there are better deals on Cyber Monday. In fact, more and more people are starting to wait and do most of their purchases on Cyber Monday.
We also discussed a few other fun topics, including:
- Can online stores haphazard their email marketing promotions and have a successful Black Friday?
- Should online stores consider different types of buyers with different types of buying habits and personalities?
- What is Good, Better, and Best Action Plan?
- Learn all about Build Grow Scale’s GSD bundle and what it does for your business.
- Why is it vital for Ecom stores to warm up their email lists?
- The importance of putting out a revenue optimization for your online stores.
But you’ll have to watch or listen to the episode to hear about those!
How To Stay Connected With Bret Thomson
Want to stay connected with Bret? Please check out his social profiles below.
- Website: BretThomson.com
- LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/bretthomson
Also, Bret Thomson mentioned the GSD Bundle:
- Motherlode Black Friday GSD Bundle – is a system that consists of 50 pre-written emails, which is mainly focused on talking about segments and frequency for your business. It also includes SMS and a messenger copy and video transcription copies.