#1 Needle-Mover Based On Over $400,000,000 in Ecommerce Sales
The Hidden Reason Why Your Site Isn’t Converting
Copy our most effective (and fastest) strategy that we guarantee will boost conversions and fatten thy profits, without guesswork or increasing traffic!
Download a Case Study to Learn More?
You Currently Don’t Really Know Why Your Customers Are NOT Buying From You!
You’re only guessing.
It’s like being lost in the woods without a compass.
Sure, Apple pulled the rug out from under us and kicked us where it hurts with the iOS changes.
I won’t argue with that, however…
We’re in a new advertising world now.
It’s sink or swim.
Now more than ever, you need to know EXACTLY why people are NOT buying from your store…
And how to turn things around, without the expensive ‘guess work’.
Playing the “Guessing Game” is simply draining your resources and time …
And if you’re like almost every website owner out there…
- It's affecting you financially, mentally, and emotionally...
- It's likely stealing time away from your family...
- It's affecting you financially, mentally, and emotionally...
Now, to be fair…
When it comes to finding out why people are NOT buying from your store, there are smart things you can do to help.
Shortly, I’ll share with you the #1 irrefutable way to KNOW how to turn your online business around.
No hype – All facts.
But first, it’s best for you if I share what other options are not working as well…
One option is…
You can make what we call “data-driven decisions!”
One of these tactics is reading data from google analytics… yet…
For most people, it’s waaaay too complicated, and:
That still only tells you WHAT is wrong and not the WHY.
Google analytics might tell you:
1. You have a high bounce rate…
2. People are adding-to-cart but not buying…
3. A certain page converts way below average…
Again – All it does is tell you the WHAT, and not the WHY!
Even with google analytics data…
You’re still not getting the whole truth!
Not even close
Another one of these tactics is a post-purchase survey.
For example, asking ‘buyers’ to tell you what nearly stopped them from buying…
Yet: For starters, you’re speaking to a buyer (not a non-buyer) …
What you really want is feedback from ‘non-buyers’ who were sitting on the fence and didn’t buy!
And that’s exactly what you’re about to learn—and how to do it the right way! Rather than having to guess why people are abandoning your site without purchasing, they’ll literally just tell you.
You see, hardly anyone surveys people who didn’t buy—and that’s the advantage with what I’m about to share!
I’ll cut to the chase…
This is (by far) the #1 single biggest needle mover we use right now in our brand-partnership agency to help clients…
- Know exactly why people are not buying
- Improve their website conversion rate
- Turning browsers into buyers or subscribers
- Increase their aov (average order value)
- Making their margins a whole lot fatter...
Believe it or not…
All while avoiding days, weeks, or even months of waiting to see if the latest a/b split test worked…
It’s time to stop that “Pay & Pray” Marketing Tactic
The “Pay & Pray” strategy is “paying” to throw more money down the bottomless traffic pit, “praying” that a new creative will make the difference.
That’s the old way.
Quite simply, what I’m about to share (the new way) leaves every other conversion hack for dead!
And that says a lot considering we’ve contributed to over $100,000,000 of online sales in the last couple of years ($400,000,000 collectively).
Up until now we’ve only helped our top-paying BGS (Build Grow Scale) coaching clients, and brand partners with this strategy, and here are some of the before and after results:
“Over a two-month period, we DOUBLED our conversion rate, and we owe that in large part to the insights that came from the BGS user testing. A lot of changes we made to the site were guided by the feedback we received from the various people who tested our site. There were a number of clarity issues surrounding our products and our company that people had, which were honestly a complete shock to me. User testing immediately uncovered these, and once we addressed them on the updated version of the site… Well, as I already said, we doubled our conversion rate. If you’re not running user testing, you’re leaving money on the table. Plain and simple.”
~ Kim Shamsiddin
Owner of ShamsWear.com
I suppose it’s time to officially introduce myself. Sorry…
Hi, my name is Casey – I’m head of the Revenue Optimization team at Build Grow Scale,
If you feel like you’ve barely recovered from the iOS changes bleeding your margins…
Or even if you’re not running traffic and hardly getting sales from your website…
Okay, It’s time to show you…
The quickest (and most predictable) way to make more sales and revenue from your website without giving another dollar to Zuckerburg!
OK, enough of the suspense…
What is this technique we’ve been using for years, but you’ve probably never even heard of?
It’s called “User Testing”, and like I’ve said… It’s leaving every other conversion hack for dead…
This is our “Heat-Seeking Missile” that allows website owners (like you and I) to know precisely, with pinpoint accuracy…
… WHY people are NOT buying from your website – And – the solutions to turn browsers into buyers!
Stay with me as I unpack this and prove to you…
Why doing USER TESTING (the right way) will also be YOUR next BIG WIN too.
Here’s a breakdown of doing USER TESTING the right way…
User testing is when you find and PAY ($$) ‘users’ to browse and shop from your website, BUT…
Not just any ‘user’…
Ideally, you want ‘users’ who match as closely as possible to your “Perfect Customer Avatar.”
These targeted ‘users’ browse your website. They narrate their thoughts out loud as their screen and audio is being recorded…
And they are asked to perform several tasks. Plus…
They are also asked to answer a series of questions, giving their feedback in REAL TIME while doing these tasks on your website.
What this does is it shows us (better than any other way) EXACTLY:
What problems they encounter
What they are thinking
What needs to be fixed
What bothered them
What didn’t they understand or were unclear about
What offended them
What did they like
Any objections that weren’t being addressed
Did they have an issue with the price?
With this information, paired with some highly tested optimization principles…
You have what we call the “Perfect Storm!”
The “Perfect Storm” is when two separate forces come together at the exact same time, but instead of creating chaos, it creates a perfect outcome, unmatched to any other.
In this case, almost a divine insight into how to increase conversions on your store and be more profitable!
To be blunt, it’d be financially idiotic NOT to implement our User Testing gameplan and make it your #1 top priority! How’s that for straight talk?
And hey, if you’re wondering…
“Who the heck is this guy sprouting promises like this?”
I get it…
If you haven’t already noticed, I’m not a typical “front man” speaking marketing messages like this…
Probably because I don’t like a lot of the marketing B.S. I see out there with no depth …
I’m a behind-the-scenes kinda guy, BUT, I can assure you of this…
Over the last four years, while everyone was binge-watching netflix…
I’ve binge-watched more videos about website conversions than you have of Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Stranger Things combined!
And that’s when we stumbled upon what we’re talking about today, which, as previously mentioned, is User Testing (The Right Way).
You see, for almost a decade, Build Grow Scale has been beating the drum that “Traffic is NOT your problem.”
But rather, it’s actually your poor converting website that’s to blame.
You see, everybody loves to nerd-out on Facebook Ads…
But very few people actually take the time to optimize their websites.
The best quality traffic in the world doesn’t mean squat if you’re sending them to website with unclear value propositions, objections that aren’t being addressed, poor salescopy, etc…
And look, there are plenty of ideas and strategies out there about HOW to improve your website conversions…
But why don’t they all work?
I’ll tell you why.
Think about this… 
Even an average doctor can give you standard advice on how to have a healthy body…
Eat Your Vegetables
Drink Water
Get Good Sleep
Get A Little Bit Of Sun
And Avoid Stress
Done. YET:
This is all generic, surface level advice.
Only an X-ray will clearly show, with irrefutable evidence, that the real problem is that you have a stress fracture on your vertebrae…
Only a blood test will show your cholesterol is too high…
Only an ECG will tell you if you have a heart problem
See the difference?
You wanna know what people aren’t buying from your website?
Website optimization videos and courses are valuable and have their place,
BUT… They’re simply too generic.
They can’t give you a custom diagnosis for YOUR website’s specific problems…
User Testing is your X-ray… Blood test… EGC…. Full body physical… You get the idea.
It’s the clearest way for identifying the specific conversion problems on your website (and fixing them once and for all)
To make it simpler…
There’s only ONE solution to find out “WHY” they’re not buying.
And that’s by running some User Testing the RIGHT WAY, and getting a real human being to literally TELL YOU everything you need to know, in plain English.
Everything else is a costly exercise of varied ‘guesses.’
Now before you jump ahead and try doing this yourself, let me save you a TON of time and money!
This is the part where you need to SIT UP straight and pay attention!
The power, clarity and intelligence you’re about to receive like when Neo first saw the Matrix!

Without the clear insights that user testing provides, the real problem you face is the fact that you’ve been flying blind when trying to increase your store’s conversion rate…
The Truth is…
When you implement USER TESTING (the right way)…
You simply can’t lose!
I promise you, in fact I guarantee it, that all that stress you’re feeling about your website not making sales…
It’s all fixable… BUT you have to TAKE ACTION…
Now, you may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started, and that’s fine:
I’ll cut to the chase…
At this point, you have two choices… Choice #1: Continue playing the guessing game of why your website, funnel, landing page etc. isn’t converting…
Or, if you’re sick of working harder for less profit… and if you want to take your business to another level, then “Choice #2” is…
Use this “secret weapon” that the top 1% of marketers have quietly been taking advantage of for years…
And run User Testing THE RIGHT WAY on your website immediately…
It’s the fastest path getting your business back on track and making your website more profitable again!
Nuff said…
Let me officially introduce our…
“User Testing Mastery” Course!
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials That Gives You Everything You Need To… Execute Advanced-Level “User Testing” On Your Store To Instantly Convert More Traffic To Sales Without Anymore Guesswork!
Here’s what it looks like…
There’s no reason to try this on your own because we’ve already got all the steps and templates laid out for you…
There are 8 video modules – no fluff, no filler.
I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in courses and trainings, and I HATE those long courses where they drone on and on…
So don’t worry, this isn’t one of those courses. From start to finish, it’ll take you less than 3 hours to zoom through it.
Less if you increase the speed!
You can do this if you’re a solo business owner or give it to team member.
It’s all in perfect order, so even Homer Simpson can follow along.
We’ve perfected and tested this on countless websites that collectively do millions of dollars each month of online sales,
And YES, it works every single time – it’s our #1 strategy!
Here are some of the results from our clients.
Here’s what Kim Shamsiddin, owner of ShamsWear.com, had to say:
“Working with BGS has been overall a great experience. We have been provided with many valuable insights from user testing, that have allowed for actions to be taken to improve the overall performance of our store including conversion rate, site speed, and more. Many of the optimizations that we have made to not only our site, but also to our promotion structure and marketing strategies have been influenced by the feedback received from user testing. User testing has the ability to uncover issues on our site that we would not have been aware of otherwise. I am more than satisfied with our partnership with BGS and frequent use of user testing.”
Madam Sew – Krista Creech
“I owe the biggest win I ever achieved on an A/B test to user testing. One of the people we hired to test the site found a problem that none of us would have ever found. It was something to do with the cart, and we seriously couldn’t believe this was causing problems for people. But, we decided to run an A/B test to address this issue anyway. The result? A 25% increase in conversion rate from a single test. We were absolutely blown away. User testing is like having another set of eyes, you’ll uncover things you would have otherwise never noticed in a million years.”
~ Sanez Pezeshki
Owner of JoyrideHarness.com
This radically simple yet effective system will work for you, EVEN IF you have a brand new site with little to no traffic.
I wouldn’t spend one single dollar on advertising UNTIL you follow and execute our User Testing Mastery Course.
Simply put, you’ll miss out on potential customers who may never come back!
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside:
When you watch the second module of the course, you’ll discover our criteria for finding your “Perfect Customer Avatar.”
This will ensure that you recruit the correct type of people to do the testing (ones that actually resemble your customers!)
If you’re nervous about how to brainstorm the list of tasks to give your user testers, don’t worry, I got you!
In module #3, I break down, in crystal clear clarity, how to brainstorm the list of tasks you will be giving to your user testers.
These tasks are proven to be super effective and eye-opening, and I’ll even show you how to personalize them for your specific product/niche.
We’ll make sure that these questions get to the heart of the customer’s psychology and…
Reveal everything and anything that could stop them from making a purchase!
This easy-to-follow guided brainstorming session will instantly extract the biggest friction points in your store!
You’ll also see our “Look-Over-Our-Shoulder” LIVE Walkthrough demonstration on how I put this into action in any niche…
Here’s what you’ll discover inside
the “User Testing Mastery” course
Module #1
- Why user testing is your new unfair advantage
- Course content and expectations explained
Module #2
What is User Testing?
- User testing defined
- Overview of the entire user testing process
- Ideal customer avatar explained
Module #3
Brainstorming the User Testing Tasks
- Our tried and tested user testing tasks template (say that 3x fast!)
- Ideology and principles behind the tasks
- Inspiration and questions to ask yourself for formulating the perfect tasks
Module #4
Live Walkthrough of Creating the User Testing Tasks
- No more theory – LIVE walkthrough of creating the tasks
- Clear reasoning behind why each task is given
- Remove any and all doubts you have about how to brainstorm your own tasks
Module #5
Recruiting People to do the User Testing
- Where to find people to perform the user testing for you
- Quickly and easily find people suitable for any niche
- How to instantly get a refund for any user testers that do a poor job
Module #6
User Testing Live Analysis Part 1
- Live analysis of a real user testing session
- See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
- Witness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.
Module #7
User Testing Live Analysis Part 2
- Live analysis of a real user testing session
- See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
- Whitness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.
Module #8
Final Words
- Quick recap of everything we just learned
- Reminders and things to keep in mind when doing this for yourself
Module #1
- Why user testing is your new unfair advantage
- Course content and expectations explained
Module #2
What is User Testing?
- User testing defined
- Overview of the entire user testing process
- Ideal customer avatar explained
Module #3
Brainstorming the User Testing Tasks
- Our tried and tested user testing tasks template (say that 3x fast!)
- Ideology and principles behind the tasks
- Inspiration and questions to ask yourself for formulating the perfect tasks
Module #4
Live Walkthrough of Creating the User Testing Tasks
- No more theory – LIVE walkthrough of creating the tasks
- Clear reasoning behind why each task is given
- Remove any and all doubts you have about how to brainstorm your own tasks
Module #5
Recruiting People to do the User Testing
- Where to find people to perform the user testing for you
- Quickly and easily find people suitable for any niche
- How to instantly get a refund for any user testers that do a poor job
Module #6
User Testing Live Analysis Part 1
- Live analysis of a real user testing session
- See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
- Witness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.
Module #7
User Testing Live Analysis Part 2
- Live analysis of a real user testing session
- See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback
- Whitness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.
Module #8
Final Words
- Quick recap of everything we just learned
- Reminders and things to keep in mind when doing this for yourself
Without sounding too cheesy, this truly is a game changer! And the best part is still to come!
You may be thinking, where do I even find user testers for my niche?
Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to Craigslist or anything complicated.
No matter who your customer avatar is, I’ll show you where you can find them, quickly and easily.
Even if you have to find a retired person who loves gardening or single mothers who love cats,
Or a middle-aged woman with sensitive skin, caffeine intolerant shift workers, etc …
No matter the niche or the product, in Module #5, I’ve got you covered with a detailed walkthrough video!
Remember when I said the best is yet to come?
Watch… In the last two modules, you’ll be introduced to the ONLY WAY to do your User Testing Analysis.
You can literally copy our exact frameworks to adapt this to any online business.
Now, let’s talk about your investment in this…
The price for our team here at BGS to handle this for you ranges anywhere from $1,500 to $2,000, depending if you’re part of our private community or not.
Although it’s still a bargain in anyone’s language, we know not everyone can justify that cost, so…
We’ve condensed our User Testing System into this 3-hour easy-to-follow video course,
Where the retail value is a much more affordable investment of only $397
But we’re also throwing in 2 extra bonuses!!
Additional User Testing Analysis
The course already includes a full website user testing analysis. However, we’ll include ANOTHER 45 min module showing the breakdown/analysis of another website, just to really drive the point home.
A $97 value, Yours FREE today
Ecom Profit Checklist
If you order today, we’ll also include a checklist of 50+ simple, revenue-boosting best practices. You can implement these on your website to see a noticeable lift in conversion rate RIGHT AWAY.
This list was compiled by our revenue optimization team over the last 6 years and shows you how to get some quick, juicy wins.
A $97 value, Yours FREE today
The good news is we’re including all those bonuses for FREE, but you don’t need to pay $597
Given this is our first official launch of this course, you can benefit from our special launch price of… Only one payment of $397
I promise you that you’ll waste waaaay more than $397 on ads that don’t convert!
User Testing Mastery
Regular Price : $597
Today’s Price
Get Instant Access to your Online Course
All the smart marketers know that this course doesn’t cost you money, but it makes you money!
And why would we give away such an amazing course for such a low price?
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to make more money and be successful.
Then one day, just maybe, if you want help scaling your business, we will have some good will in the bank, and you might ask for our help!
That said,
Click that button to lock in the discounted price today of only $397…
Yes, you’re covered by a 60-Day no question asked money back guarantee!
100% No-Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
100% No-Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
Buy it, Use it, Love it, or return it. It’s that simple.
The only smart thing to do now is to take action and put all the stress of your poor performing website behind you.
It’s time for a new chapter in your life.
One where your website starts generating the cash you’ve always wanted it to.
Click the button and get started on this, and I’ll see you on the first intro video!
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