Limited time offer: Save $1,000 when you get our Store Audit, DFY “User Testing”, and One-Hour Coaching Session to supercharge your sales for 2024. Deal ends at midnight EST on Sunday (Dec 3rd).
Get access to 400M dollars worth of proven strategies personalized for your store and 2x your revenue the right way.
Listen up.
if you’re rushing about spending money before you know what your problem is…
I need you to STOP.
Take $100 out of your wallet…
…and set fire to it…
Because if your aim is to pointlessly burn money, that’ll be a lot more entertaining…
…and at least you’ll get to look like a baller for 30 seconds.
Well, most people fall into the trap of doubling down on what’s worked for them in the past…
In fact, this is exactly what a lot of the gurus out there will tell you to do…
But this ‘genius’ advice of theirs is lacking something pretty damn important.
I want you to think of it this way…
Would you listen to a doctor who recommended you treatment before they’d examined you?
Of course not…
You’re in trouble, so you do what any serious entrepreneur would do…
… you jump online and kneel at the altar of Google in search of answers.
In seconds, you have every answer you could ever hope for…
Tens of thousands of results waiting to be painstakingly sifted through…
It seems everyone has a solution.
Everyone knows something you don’t.
But here’s the problem
You need an answer to YOUR problem, and you need it NOW!
Your store is in trouble, revenue is down, and stress levels are rising quickly.
You don’t have the luxury of time to trial and error out hundreds of tests…
All you can do is HOPE that somewhere in this mountain of ‘information’, someone has the answer YOU need…
…finding a needle in a haystack is looking pretty easy by comparison.
You’ve made a choice now.
You’ve committed to sifting through thousands of answers, looking for your specific needle in the largest haystack on Earth.
Now every spare second you have is spent reading blogs and sales pages, hoping that answer jumps out at you.
So there you are…
You spend so long reading hundreds of these ‘solutions’ they all start to look the same…
And that’s not the worst part…
Have you ever stopped to check who’s giving you the answer?
Maybe this guru claiming to solve all your problems moonlights as Coco The Clown at the weekend and hasn’t made a dollar online.
…and it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter whether they’re selling you something for 1 dollar or a million dollars…
It doesn’t matter whether they’ve got 10 years of experience or 10 minutes of experience…
It doesn’t matter if they are the ‘God Of Ecom’ or Coco The Clown…
They can’t deliver on their promise.
You are about to get taken for an expensive and embarrassing ride…
I could reel off a whole list of reasons why searching the internet blindly is a waste of your time and money and 100% certain to fail but…
…I’ll settle for just these two.
That’s what it all boils down to.
If you knew what the problem was, you’d already be fixing it.
But you don’t.
And if YOU don’t know, it’s quite literally IMPOSSIBLE for them to know.
Think back to that doctor example…
These people offer you a costly fix without knowing what you need.
Imagine rocking up to your doctors and telling them you’ve got a bad headache…
…and their first response is to send you to the hospital for major surgery.
They haven’t diagnosed you.
They haven’t asked what you’re doing about it already and they haven’t tried to understand your specific needs and problems…
They just pack you straight off for expensive and dangerous surgery whether you need it or not…
Because that MIGHT be the answer in a sea of a million other possibilities…
And they get their money either way, so why should they care?
A lot of these gurus are counting on the fact that data is overwhelming…
That’s why they get away with repeating this same broken piece of ‘advice’ over and over…
It’s the ultimate quick fix, right?
WRONG. And here’s why.
You see, many gurus pull the wool over your eyes by forcing your attention on revenue like it’s the only figure that matters.
But it isn’t. Far from it, actually.
How many of these names do you recognize?
AirBnB, Blue Apron, Casper, Dropbox, Lyft, Peloton, Uber, Spotify…
All of these businesses have one thing in common according to the Motley Fool…
They have ridiculous revenue, but they aren’t making a profit!
Revenue is only important in the context of your business as a whole.
Isn’t it funny how all the gurus tend to leave this information out?
The reason your store isn’t making sales has NOTHING to do with increasing your ad spend…
In fact, it all comes down to one thing.
In most e-commerce stores, the customer experience is terrible…
No amount of advertising can fix that.
And no amount of generic solutions can compensate.
There’s more to it than that.
Often, it’s the smallest details that make the biggest difference.
Here are just a few things that COULD be hurting your sales:
And that’s just for starters.
Any of these things could be costing you a fortune in sales…
…and most stores have more than one of these problems… quite a few more, actually.
A typical store audit uncovers over 50 fixable issues.
Some stores we’ve audited have over 100 issues that needed addressing.
The only way to know is to analyze and dig deep into what’s going on in your store.
You need to get specific.
But instead, you’re following unspecific guru advice and hoping for the best.
That sounds pretty crazy.
And you wonder why you aren’t getting results…
By this time, you’re probably in bigger trouble than you think.
You’ve bombed thousands into the ‘best courses’ from ‘top sellers’ without knowing if you even have the same problem as them.
You’ve dropped a ton of extra money you don’t have into ads to squeeze a tiny bit more revenue while your ROAS tanks…
And you still don’t know where the leaks are in YOUR business.
So, stop and listen.
This is important.
Your store is as unique as you are.
It has its own DNA and needs to be treated as a unique entity.
The smallest of changes in any store can lead to success or catastrophic failure.
So, the last thing you want to do is open the hood and pull our random wires because someone who has never even seen your store has told you to.
Here are the facts…
Unless someone has invested time analyzing your specific needs, they can’t help you.
And anyone that says otherwise is lying…
Let’s get right to the point…
With $400,000,000+ in sales, there is no ecommerce problem we can’t resolve.
Let me tell you two things right now before I go any further…
The only way you can get your store performing is by having an expert pop open the hood and find out EXACTLY what it is you need.
The answers to unlocking your true revenue potential are already there…
…but you need to know how to find them.
There is no substitute and no alternative…
So, STOP increasing ad spend…
STOP paying thousands for generic courses with copy-paste solutions.
And STOP listening to people that say they have a solution when they’ve never seen the problem.
They never have and they never will.
…but hope is not lost…
There is a way to fix ALL your problems without ridiculously priced generic courses and without sinking your life saving into your ad spend…
We’ve done it for hundreds of others, and we can do it for you too…
Here’s another painful truth…
The average ecommerce store converts at 2%.
Only two of every 100 people who visit your store actually buy something…
It takes 5000 visitors to get just 100 paying customers.
It’s got to hurt to see that number.
To be honest, it’s pretty humiliating…
But consider this…
What if you could have all of your store’s issues personally and properly diagnosed to stop the 98% from leaving empty-handed?
What if someone could tell you EXACTLY what you need to do right now to increase your conversion rate?
What if it went up to 4%, 6%, 8% in a matter of days?
Suddenly, you’re doubling, tripling and even quadrupling your revenue WITHOUT increasing your traffic or ad spend…
…or spending a dime more on some ridiculously overpriced copy-paste course.
Instead of setting fire to your cash, you plug every hole and every leak to squeeze more profit than ever before out of your existing traffic.
We’re talking about:
Let me share one of my favorite stories.
A man finishes creating a car unlike any other ever seen.
After thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours spent painstakingly putting it all together, it’s finally ready to be revealed to the world.
The day before the big reveal arrives and beaming with pride, the man goes to start the car – just to be sure…
But it won’t start.
He tries everything he can think of to get it going, but nothing works.
In a panic, he starts calling mechanics to come and look at it.
“Yeah, I can fix it,” says the first one before the man can even get his sentence out.
The young mechanic arrives full of confidence and after hours of tinkering, he gives up.
The man is really worried now. So he calls another more expensive mechanic.
He fails too.
So do the third and the fourth.
At that point, the man is ready to give up and throw in the towel when an old fella with a pipe wrench walks past.
“I can take a look for you,” he says.
The man looks him over, “you might as well everyone else and their dogs had a go, why not you as well?”
The old mechanic walks over, takes a quick look, and hits it once with his wrench…
As if by magic, the car springs to life gently purring.
The moral of this story should be clear, especially after your experiences with the gurus who overpromise and underdeliver but let’s break it down anyway.
The old mechanic succeeded because he had the experience, skill, and expertise to KNOW what needed to be done.
He knew where to look, what to do, and made it look effortless while so many others failed.
The old mechanic had spent a lifetime learning he could spend seconds fixing.
Just think about that…
You see, just like the old mechanic, we’ve assessed, diagnosed, and created strategy for hundreds of ecom brands and have decades of combined experience.
And just like him, we know exactly where to hit it to supercharge your revenue…
When we get under the hood, we go to work diagnosing the problems specific to your store so you have EVERYTHING you need to start fixing them immediately.
After 400M in sales for our partners, it’s safe to say we’ve turned the science of revenue optimization into an art form…
Before I share how all of this is possible, here’s a word of warning…
If you are:
Then this isn’t for you.
This store audit will dig deeper into your business than anyone has ever been before.
It will uncover some uncomfortable realities, leaving you with a choice.
1. Put what you learn into practice and skyrocket your revenue.
2. Ignore it and bury your head in the sand while your store crumbles.
These hyper-personalized analytics and strategies will
DOUBLE your revenue…
…IF you implement them immediately and without hesitation.
Revenue optimization is more than our passion… it’s our purpose.
So, here’s the big question…
Are you ready to get everything you need to DOUBLE your revenue?
Our team of over 40+ revenue optimization experts are ready to uncover every leak, pitfall, and blackhole preventing you from making money.
We’ll dig deep into your customer’s journey and tell you exactly how to plug and optimize all the holes and barriers stopping them from buying.
We’ll go through everything element of your store with a fine-toothed comb and create a personalized audit so you can start hitting your true revenue potential overnight.
Here’s what you can expect from your personalized BGS store audit…
We’ll make it clear which changes require the least effort to make the biggest impact so you can focus on these first to see near-instant results.
Here are just some examples of the types of strategies you can expect to see delivered to your inbox in your personalized BGS Store Audit.
A typical audit has dozens of actionable strategies and information all in an easy-to-download PDF.
Ready to get started?
If $400,000,000+ in sales wasn’t enough to convince you that we’re the right team to turn your business into a cash machine, how about this?
And there’s more…
We’ve helped hundreds of ecom entrepreneurs reach incredible new heights:
Are you ready to join them?
Want to know how the top ecom stores increase their sales?
They read their ideal prospect’s minds.
They do this with something called “user testing”.
This is where they recruit 5-10 people who closely match their best customers…
Then pay them to go through their store, and perform specific “revenue-linked tasks”, all while recording their screen and giving their thoughts and feedback through their microphone.
It literally shows you why your ideal prospects are NOT buying from you in a way that no other method can.
And it uncovers incredible insights that lead to amazing results like this:
“User testing uncovered a problem we never would have found. It was something to do with the cart and we seriously couldn’t believe this was causing problems for people. But, we decided to run an A/B test to address this issue anyway. The result? A 25% increase in conversion rate from a single test. We were absolutely blown away. User testing is like having another set of eyes, you’ll uncover things you would have otherwise never noticed in a million years.”
– Sanez Pezeshki
“Over a two-month period, we DOUBLED our conversion rate, and we owe that in large part to the insights that came from the BGS user testing. If you’re not running user testing, you’re leaving money on the table. Plain and simple.”
– Kim Shamsiddin
Unfortunately, doing “user testing” isn’t feasible for a lot of business owners.
First, because it requires time they don’t have to perform.
And you need to have the experience needed to know:
But with our done-for-you “user testing” we handle all of this for you.
All you have to do is read the simple PDF report we create, adjust your site, and watch your conversion rate go up.
Our done-for-you “user testing” normally costs $1,500.
Also included with this limited time offer is a private one-hour coaching session with one of our revenue optimization experts.
That’s because we wanted to give you everything needed to see massive success with this.
This will allow you to have all of your questions answered and get personal guidance and feedback as you implement the revenue-boosting changes we’ve put together for you.
So you won’t feel lost or confused as you supercharge your store’s conversion rate.
Although not available to purchase on our site, one of these expert coaching sessions typically costs $500.
A Massive Saving For A Limited Time Only
So with this powerful bundle of resources you’re getting:
And instead of investing the full $3,500…
You can get all of this for just $2,500.
The only catch?
You must sign before midnight, Eastern Standard Time, this Sunday (Dec, 3rd).
I’m so confident that this is going to transform your business in 2024…
I’m going to literally guarantee your success with it.
So if you don’t make at least 10 times your investment…
I’ll give you free coaching with one of our revenue optimization experts until you achieve this result.
However, we can only make this promise if you’re past the total beginner stage and willing to put in the work.
So to qualify for this guarantee you have to:
If that sounds fair to you…
Then you’re guaranteed to see a 10X return on this investment!
So right now the only risk you face…
Is procrastinating on this decision and then missing out on the $1,000 savings.
And the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue that this bundle can generate for your store.
Hurry, this deal ends midnight, Eastern Standard Time, this Sunday (Dec 3rd).
And when it’s gone, it’s gone.
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